Do you need a gift for someone who has “everything?” A customized original oil painting could be a really cool gift they will always cherish. Do you want to brighten up your own home? Email me with your painting ideas and I will create something amazing for you, or your special someone.
The Messy Middle
Beginners Oil Painting Class
Coming Fall 2023! I’m teaching an in-person beginners oil painting class. This will be on 3 consecutive Thursdays starting on October 19th, 26th, and November 2nd 2023 from 6-8pm. This will take place at the new classroom space at the North Bend Art and Industry. This will be a very low, to no solvent oil painting class. Sign up now as space is limited! Cost $125 with supplies included.
I’m in a Gallery!
Hello Friends! I have exciting news. 🙂 Last month I was accepted into the Snovalley Art Gallery, a collective Gallery. That means the gallery is run by the Artists. It also means that 100% of my art sales go directly into my pocket! (Awesome!) In private Galleries, it’s standard to take a 50% cut of the sales.
I had to be juried into the Gallery by the other members. I’m one of the only oil painters, so there is a nice place for me here. As part of the membership, we all share in taking shifts and doing tasks to run the Gallery. We usually do four, 3hr shifts per month and the tasks range from social media management, to making signs, and running the member meetings etc.
It’s been a few weeks so far, and I sold 3 paintings and a few greeting cards! Yay! I would say I’m off to a good start. I’m also learning about working in a gallery and what that all entails. I get to see the popular items that sell, and what people are drawn to. I have to say Snoqualmie attracts a ton of tourists from the Salish Lodge and to Snoqualmie falls. Needless to say there are lots of waterfall paintings and prints in the Gallery.
You can find me working in the gallery at various times during each month, I would love it if you came to visit me!! We are open 7 days a week 11am-5pm. 8130 Railroad Ave, Snoqualmie, WA 98065

Free Little Art Gallery
I just became the steward of a new Little ART Gallery in town! It’s conveniently located in Downtown North Bend, WA. We are looking for all artists, big and small to make art and take art, or just come by and view art. It doesn’t get much more fun than this… If you want to donate some art, but live out of town, feel free to message me for the gallery mailing address.
Here is the link to the Free Little Art Gallery World Map (FLAG) or make sure to follow me on Instagram to get gallery updates!

Welcome to my “Messy Middle” Blog
Welcome to my website and my first blog post! As of January 2023, I decided to take a leap of faith and finally become a full-time artist. I’m excited to go on this journey, and I’m glad you are here with me too. Right now I’m painting in oils, and absolutely love it. When I’m home I work on at least 3 or 4 paintings at a time, as the drying time is long and done overnight. When I travel, I take a lot of photos and I come home to paint many of them. If you want to see my photography, you can check it out here.
One of the things that stopped me from doing my passion full time before, was the intense experience I was having with the artistic process. The messy middle refers to the fact that every painting I ever do, goes through a period of looking absolutely terrible! It’s a tough place to be as an artist, because thats when the doubt creeps in and all the negativity in my mind starts to surface. “Is this even worth doing??” If I stay the course with the painting, I usually get through it and decide YES, this is worth doing! Even the bad paintings are worth doing too. As I’m older and hopefully wiser, I can get through the artistic process with a lot less resistance. I’ll be blogging more about this as I go, as I know this going to be a regular check in for my mind management.
Consider subscribing to my newsletter for the latest on shows or projects. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly!